Clipboard and Bookmarks
This topic will go through the clipboard and bookmark function and teach you how you can organize a subset of charts and documents.
We estimate that this will take 4 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
The NAVBLUE Charts+ clipboard provides another way to organize a subset of charts and documents. This applies to workspaces for FROM/TO/ALTN AD charts, Charts AD info, Charts Bulletins, Charts POR/AFB, Company Doc General, Company Docs AD, Charts+ AD Charts, and Charts+ Guide.
When any reset behavior is triggered (change the FROM or deploy a package or restart the application), the clipboard is emptied.
The NAVBLUE Charts+ Windows bookmark will provide you another way to organize your documents (only for Company Docs General and Charts+ Guide). It will enable you quick access to your documents. Please note you will not be able to bookmark any AD chart.
Contrary to the clipboard, the bookmark is not emptied when a reset behavior is triggered, however, an un-installation of the application will remove all bookmark entries.
Let's go ahead and add some charts and documents to the clipboard and bookmarks.
Let's have a look at adding some charts to the clipboard. Currently we are showing KJFK aerodrome, clicking on the paper clip symbol will add it to the clipboard.
Click the
The paperclip symbol has now changed color and showing a minus sign to indicate that it has been added to the clipboard. Selecting the paperclip button again will remove it from the clipboard. Let's add another chart.
Click the SID menu item.
Click the KENNEDY 5 RWY ALL list item.
Click on the paperclip again to add this chart to your clipboard.
Click the
Click the APPR list item.
Click the ILS RWY 31R menu item.
Click the
You have added three charts to your clipboard so you can access them easily, let's go and view our charts in the clipboard.
Once you added charts in your clipboard a new menu item will listed, here you can see how many charts or documents that you have in your clipboard, it is currently showing just three.
Click the Menu button.
Click the Clipboard button.
You are now in the clipboard where you can clearly see all the charts or documents that you have added. You will be able to view the charts, change the order or delete them using the Edit button. You also have the possibility to print all charts in your clipboard using the Print button.
You have just seen how to add charts to the clipboard, let's go and add some documents to the Bookmarks.
Click the Menu button.
Click the Documents menu item.
Click the Charts+ Guide button.
You cannot add aerodrome charts to Bookmark, only Company Docs General and Charts+ Guide.
Click the ATC General list item.
Let's open up the ATC general information and bookmark a page from there.
If you know the page that you wish add you can simply click on the bookmark image which will add it directly to the bookmarks. Alternatively, you can select your document to view and add it once you know that it is the document you require.
Click the ASIA - Bay of Bengal (BOBCAT) list item.
Using the plus symbol will add the document to your bookmarks for viewing later. Let's add this page to our bookmarks.
Click the
Click the
You can see that you have two choices you can either add it to your clipboard using the paper clip image or add it to your bookmark using the star image. In this example we will bookmark the page.
Clicking on the following will take you back to the list of documents and bookmarks.
Selecting the bookmark tab will bring up the list of all the documents that have been bookmarked. You can also see the number one indicating only one document has been selected.
You can see next to your chosen page , this indicates to you the document has been added to the bookmark.
Click the Bookmark tab.
You can clearly see the chart that has been bookmarked.
Your chart administrator can specify default charts for an aerodrome. Default charts defined by your chart administrator for the route identified on the enroute screen are initially assigned the chart screen ribbon tiles if you provide the correct entry in terms of departure, arrival and either departure or arrival runways. You can, if you choose to, assign a different chart