Route Toolbar and Aerodrome Entry
This topic will instruct you on the toolbar and how you can input your aerodrome entry. It will also show you how you can reverse your aerodrome and view detailed information about each aerodrome.
We estimate that this will take 3 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Route Toolbar
The route toolbar is located at the top of the enroute screen. The route toolbar is where you will be able to input your flight information. You will be able to specify your departure (FROM), arrival (TO) and any alternates (ALTN) aerodromes and access their associated terminal chart screens for a quick access to a specific chart. There is also the ability to enter and activate a route manually, this will be explained in a later topic.
The route toolbar is broken down into different sections, let's look at each section in more detail.
If the route toolbar is not present (if your device is in landscape mode) then you need to select the route button located at the top right of the screen. This button gives you the option to hide the toolbar from your screen. Your route information and any aerodromes you have selected will not be removed if the toolbar is hidden.
Click the Route button.
Click the FROM menu item.
The FROM is the departure aerodrome. Let's create a route from London Gatwick to Toulouse Blagnac.
Enter egk into the Search field.
A search field will show allowing you to enter and search for your aerodrome. You can search for the aerodromes either by ICAO, IATA code or by aerodrome name. By typing the first two letters of your ICAO, IATA or aerodrome name this will bring up a list of possible aerodrome selections for you to choose.
Tap the “+” button to add it to your route and the charts screen.
Once you have selected your aerodrome you will be asked to select your runway, simply tap on the required runway identifier, if you don't know the runway you plan to use then you can dismiss this section. You will be able to change the runway should you need to, this will be explained later.
Click the 08L list item.
Now you have the departure aerodrome completed, let's now enter our TO (arrival) aerodrome.
Click the TO menu item.
Enter LFBO into the Search field.
Click the 14L list item.
Click the ALTN menu item.
Enter LFP into the Search field.
Type in your alternate aerodrome here. Your list will be filtered as you start to type.
LFPG/CDG Paris Charles De Gaulle
Your chosen FROM, TO and ALTN aerodromes are now visible in the route toolbar.
You can select as many alternate aerodromes as you like simply by clicking on the ALTN button. The list of your chosen aerodromes are situated on the left hand side. The edit option will allow you to reorder the list, delete them or edit the ERA circles. In this example we have two aerodromes selected.
If you zoomed out your chosen aerodromes color will match the location of your aerodromes on the map. Zooming in, the aerodromes will be visible and much larger to read.
Let's have a look how we can change the runway, aerodromes and how we can view detailed information about our selected aerodromes.
Tapping on the orange AD button will move you to the location of the aerodrome in the map and center it.
EGKK is now centered on the map. Let's have a look at how we can find some details about this particular aerodrome.
Click the FROM menu item.
Clicking on the aerodrome name will bring up some detailed information for your chosen aerodrome.
Click EGKK/LGW London Gatwick.
You can see some details about the aerodrome. Details that include Name, aerodrome reference point, and longest runway information. This will be the same format of information that is available for all aerodromes.
To access the charts.
You will now be able to view all the charts related to that aerodrome. Let's go back to the route toolbar.
Click the Menu button.
Click the Enroute menu item.
- Reverse Aerodromes
Click the FROM menu item.
You can reverse your TO and FROM aerodrome. The reverse button allows you to reverse the FROM (departure) and TO (arrival) aerodromes on the route toolbar. The TO aerodrome moves to FROM and the FROM moves to the TO. The button is inactive until you have entered an aerodrome in both locations and you have enabled the reverse option in the settings see NAVBLUE Charts+ Windows settings.
Click the Reverse list item.
Once you have selected the button a warning message will pop up.
Click the Reverse AD button.
Reversing the aerodromes will reset the application and delete the active route. A warning note will be displayed before you are able to reverse the aerodrome.
- Changing Runway
Now that you have reversed the aerodromes you can clearly see that the FROM aerodrome has been changed from Gatwick to Toulouse. Let's have a look at changing the runway.
Click the Select RWY list item.
You can check any of the information that you may have changed by referring back to the route toolbar.