Menu button and Quick Navigation toolbar
This will teach you how to navigate your way through the menu button and how to access the quick navigation toolbar.
We estimate that this will take 3 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Menu button
The Menu button is a key method for interacting with and navigating through the application. It is always present at the bottom right hand corner of the application. The menu options vary depending on whether you have TO/FROM/ALTN AD set, your current workspace, any Quick-Access Documents included in the package. The menu can also have the MINIMIZE and EXIT option shown or not depending on the value set in the eChartsSettings.ini file (Windows only)
The Menu button consists of the following:
Exit - closes the application down (Windows only. In NCDIS mode)
Minimize - will minimize the application (Windows only. In NCDIS mode)
Documents - document Viewer workspace
Quick Access Doc - will give you quick access to a specific documents workspace
Custom documents are added by your chart administrator; if present, a link is
available from all NAVBLUE Charts+ screens
Departure (FROM) airport: departure airport terminal charts workspace
Arrival (TO) airport: arrival airport terminal charts workspace
Alternate (ALTN): alternate airport terminal charts workspace
Enroute - will take you back to the enroute map
Day and night mode - this will allow you to switch between the different modes for better clarity
? (Help) - short cut to the user guide
Settings - view and change settings
Menu button features and Quick Navigation toolbar
The quick navigation toolbar:
These features will be available when you are viewing the aerodrome charts (AFB/POR, BULLETIN and AD INFO) exist as an icon.
AFB Port pages
Aerodrome Information
Click the AFB/POR button.
You can see now that the quick navigation toolbar is in the lower-left corner of the screen. It is available from any chart screen. It gives you one-touch access to view the AFB/Port Pages, Bulletins (BUL) and Aerodrome Information (ADI) pages. The letters on the toolbar will not be present if there are no documents associated with the aerodrome.
You are now viewing the AFB/Port pages. AFB/Port Pages are documents that your system administrator add for an aerodrome. You will see a Cyan dot above the AFB/Port pages icon if you have unread AFB/Port Pages. This is a good indication that you have new or unread documents.
Click the Exit button.
Click the Bulletin button.
These are the bulletins for EGKK only. Bulletins support the charting product by informing customers of aeronautical changes that have not yet been published on the chart. The bulletin will present you with an aeronautical change relating to a particular chart page number.
Click the Exit button.
Click the AD Info button.
Aerodrome information (ADI) contains basic information about the aerodrome.
Should any of the navigation features not be present in the toolbar this will be because there are none allocated to this aerodrome. In this example you can see that the Bulletins page are not present in the quick navigation toolbar.